Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Connecticut Auto Insurance

Auto insurance rates in the Constitution state are deemed by many of its residents as unconstitutional. The state of Connecticut has some of the highest insurance costs in the United States with motorists paying close to $1000 per year for minimal coverage. Sharp rises in rates over the past 4 years make Connecticut one of the most expensive states in which to drive, own and operate a vehicle.

The state minimums in Connecticut for liability and damage are quite high when compared to other states. Being a tort state, insurance policy holders must be insured for there own damages as well as damages that they may inflict on other cars. The state requires that all motorists carry a minimum of $20,000 bodily damage liability coverage and $40,000 per accident. This will protect the motorist against the bodily harm or death of another driver in an accident that is deemed their fault.

In addition, the state requires a minimum of $10,000 in property damage insurance. This will cover the costs of the at fault driver’s car as well as damages to the other party. Although these may seem already high they are the state minimums and insurance experts do advise purchasing more if it is affordable.

For those that want the very best coverage they can afford it is essential to do some research. You may be able to afford more coverage than you realize. To keep your rates low the first rule of practice is to obey traffic laws and avoid accidents. Many are surprised to hear that even one accident or infraction can nearly double premiums when they are compared to those with pristine driving records.

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